Sunday, February 19, 2012

Just another day at the office

Canon 50 mm f1.4 lens
Shot with my old rebel ('cause it was there, it had the nifty 50 on it and I am trying not to obsess about the gear ;D)
Slight gradient added

Orchids from the Mr.
My very old lamp, in front of the window and turned on even during the day to mimic brighter light on these dreary, grey days.
In the process of planning a office re-do... switching out the vintage oak desk, schoolhouse pendant light and neutral drapes for an all-girlie-all-the-time decor.
Thinking of a chandelier, white, billowing curtains, a crystal lamp, a sleeker work table and a comfy, un-office chair.
But first, the entire downstairs of the house has to be re-painted (in white of course), so until then, I am pinning, plotting, purging and shopping.
Still haven't picked an accent color... but I am leaning towards mauve or fuschia. :)
